Saturday, September 19, 2009

$100,000 debt? No problem, says the Hildebrandt family of New Richmond, Wisconsin.

I opened up my Yahoo! homepage this morning and came across an amazing story of a Wisconsin family that chose to smash their $100,000 debt, rather than file for bankruptcy.  It's a great story of how a family took debt into their own hands, rather than deal with greedy debt management companies or the weight of bankruptcy.

Check it out:

Even though they had a really tough time managing the process, they kept their debt elimination goal in tact and found ways to survive.  Yes, sacrifices were made, but they were sacrificing WANTS, not NEEDS.  Makes cutting down that lingering student loan seem possible now, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. I listen to a guy called Dave Ramsey who specializes on financial decisions and such life issues. He does tell us that no matter what pay your debts.

    I totally agree with him. The link was inspirational.
