Friday, September 4, 2009

What I've been listening to...

The pain meds from my surgery have left me creatively inept. So, I've decided to leave you with some music that's been getting me through the day. Escucha.

Phoenix - 1901, from the ablum "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix"

Currently, my favorite band. Check out their music video for this track too. Original and very un-embed-able. Bastards.

Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum, from the album "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not"

"Oh" for Two on video selection. Apparently, my Youtube scavenging skills are piss-poor. At least this one passes the "I'm gonna throw a solo Karaoke party" test.

Barcelona - Stars, from the album "Absolutes"

I spent last summer in Barcelona, so I share a special affinity with this band. Plus - alternative music with electronic work is so 2009.

Ben Folds - Effington, from the album "Way to Normal"

Hahahaha. Wow. Ok, so Ben Folds decided to write a song about a small town in Illinois, on the way to a concert in Normal, Illinois. He ended up playing the song in front of the town, only to find out that the town's name was Effingham, not Effington. I can't make this stuff up:

Eddie Vedder - Rise, from the "Into the Wild" soundtrack

I listen to this album whenever I think about leaving Chicago. A bit cheesy, yes, but it makes leaving everything I've ever known seem simple, rather than unnecessarily complicated.

1 comment:

  1. I've been all up into Phoenix on Pandora lately, and I live in Phoenix. Barcelona for a whole summer huh? I spent three pretty magical days there and despite the beauty, I almost never want to go back just to preserve those memories.
